Though I've been singing all my life, I finally found my voice when I started writing tunes. Original songs about love in all its phases... from the honeymoon to the curb... and back again! Hopeful to Hurtin’ to Hopeful...

Stage citings are rare but they do happen. Mostly, I enjoy recording and producing videos for my YouTube channel. I will be sure to add an events tab once I get back out on stage. 

Born singing -- studio session singer for radio and tv commercials -- recording and touring duo (Steve Elliott & Lucie Walker with David Bridges on bass for all local performances) -- co-founded Lonesome Sinners with Steve Hinton, with Bruce Morrison, Doug Carr, James Hollywood Jimmie Badger. Currently on pause from performing, writing and singing with my own name band: Lucie Walker Band. (Les Toth, Mike Ellerbeck, James Lewis, and Sandy (Sandy Bone) Smith.)

Born singing, yes, but everyone is helping me with all the other chops!! I am grateful to my friends!! With Special thanks to Bill Hills and Rob Leaf! xo

It’s a thrill for me to have folks interested in learning and performing my songs, and then to see people groovin’ and singing along... well, it’s a buzz!

Thank you, Friends!!!